Part 15: Update XIV.I - Rafflesia umbrella
Update XIV.I - Rafflesia umbrellaMusic: None

The Elimination Battle went fine and dandy for Hakuno, but what if things went a bit differently?

Like, say, we blew off getting those Triggers?

The scene progresses like normal up to here, but the screen flashes when it reaches the door unlocking animation.

Our old friend the all-encompassing static makes a quick appearance.

Yep, the game wasn't kidding around when it constantly reminded you to get those Triggers, you just die if you ignore them.
Did you ignore the warning at the start of the game and only use one save file? Congratulations, you just soft locked yourself! You have to hit that Retry button and replay the entire week!!
It took a surprising amount of work to pull this off, actually. You can't just hop in and out of the Arena, as most days have a story event that lock you in until you finish it. Day 1 required me to go find the Crix, Day 2 has the first fight with Shinji, Day 4 needs the journal to be found and Shinji fought, Day 5 has the sigils locking the door, and Day 6 has the Treasure Hunt. You really have to go out of your way to not get the Triggers.
Suffice to say, this will be the only time I'll be doing this.
Music: Duel - Kill Or Be Killed

But what if Hakuno got the Triggers, but didn't have The List on hand and died to Extra's combat?

How big was Drake's buff, anyways?
Let's count how many hits she needs to kill us.






Five hits, give or take a few depending on how many Attacks she uses.
Five failed shots at 1/3 odds between you and death, spread out over the entire fight. Sure, you can heal once a round, but when an Attack can deal as much damage as an Ether Shard can heal and you only have 3-4 casts worth of Master MP to heal with, you can very easily lose this damage race.

Unlike regular fights that just cut to a Game Over, losing in an Elimination Battle lets you retry the fight right then and there.

But if you decline...

Now we're on the wrong side of the barrier.
Shinji is laughing his ass off.

Music: Deathly Silent

Shinji and Drake walk off, Shinji still 100% convinced that he's in a game.
At the very least, whoever gets him in the next round will probably wipe the floor with him.

You don't even get a Dead End screen, it just cuts straight to a Game Over!